You Are About To Unlock Game of Feminine Abundance and AccessThe Secrets of how to play it so that you can STOP Unconscious Sabotage in it's tracks and RESET in 7 Days or as many times as you need to...

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The Feminine Abundance  Basics

 A 7 Day J.U.I.C.Y. Reset 

Discover the little known secret accounts and strategies for producing the results  you envision without stressing your feminine, family and finances...

HINT: Self Sabotage is not always about what you "think"! 

We just don't know what we don't know, until we are ready to RESET.

Alumna Speak on Getting 

J. U. I. C. Y . . . 

Join The Feminine Leadership LAB

RESET your focus on a detailed you may have missed that SHUT DOWN the flow of giving and receiving or OPEN New Pathways through The Mindset, Body & Spirit.

Using The Feminine Abundance Basics Access Codes and Accounts as a working strategy to awaken and align the essence of your most precious source of revival. Stay and Play  with unlimited access to practice in The LAB, plus exclusive invitations to Monthly Feminine Abundance by Design Sessions to update us on the currency and codes to use  SHIFT!  

J+U+I+C+Y = Joyfully Unveiling Intimacy's Courages YES.

Love Offering 

“If you want the greatest prosperity in your life, start forming a vacuum to receive it.” ~ Catherine Ponder

Discover how you can position your feminine, finances and family to prosper THROUGH JUICY Abundance Codes and game play with 7 KEY Accounts that allow you to play as the Queen "Peace"!

Access All Digital Process upon registration and stay the course with Live Feminine Abundance LAB Work in Special Sessions after you complete and resources with advance your Devotion and LIVE Community with uncensored. 

REGULAR $297  - All Sales are Final. 

SPECIAL - $147 Lenten Special + The JUICY YOU

ACCESS THE FLOW LAB with JUST ONE QUANTUM LEAP, then Engage Your Feminine Abundance Elevation!

The Feminine Abundance Basics (FAB) BENEFITS: 

Challenge The Status Quo

Will you challenge what you believe is possible for you? 

Step up to the 7 Day Challenge to RESET NOW, by choice, not force

More Testimonials below from women who led the way . . . . It may be a reminder to YOU of what's Possible! 

RESET & Revive Your JUICY

with this new enhanced feminine technology that will allow you to get juicy and prepares us to amplify our sacred success and succulence. 

In the words of Sisters that have gone before you or a reminder if you are Alumna. ALL ROADS are designed to LEAD you to The Consecration Experience!


Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions aren't listed below, feel free to email us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is this class for?

Leading Ladies who are Married or desiring to be Partnered, Executives Prioritizing Their Feminine as a valuable Leadership Resource and Spiritual Practitioners and Entrepreneurs with products and services they would like alignmentment and more profit. If you are a course creator, coach or speaker looking to reach your maximum potential in consider this as a first foundation  with the Spiritual Entrepreneurs Business Booster in mind.

JUICY Womanhood Rites of Passage Alumna ENROLL HERE

Q: Is this a Lifetime Subscription?

Yes, at THIS LEVEL for a limited time there is an EARLY BIRD offer a Lifetime Subscription, until and unless you leave the group, then you can return to join your tribe at the full contribution.  NO EXCEPTION and NO REFUNDS. You may have the option to attend the next session, per the schedule. 

Q: Who is this class not for?

Monitoring Spirits who only want to see the format and not engage the process, Wantrepreneurs and this includes other Coaches who are not Coachable. This class is not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about business but not serious about the feminine arts, family and finances being an Important Formula in Feminine Leadership, please don't waste your money or our time. 

Q: How much is the training?

The FAB Factor RESET. The General Regular Admission is only $297 ONE TIME , plus a Special Private Group inside the group.

Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on offers?

While I do offer inspiration and rich content available on youtube and some specialized business basics on products and services, the premiere content provided includes POWER TOOLS and introduction to the feminine arts designed to give you small doses and power plays to SHIFT and RESET as many times as needed until you are able to fully integrate the mind, body and spirit experience that benefits your family, finances and feminine leadership call to action.  EACH 7 Day CHALLENGE takes on the energy that the group brings and or needs. 

Q: Are the challenge classes live?

No, classes are recorded and you have 2 ways to work with your awareness  24/7 in a shared experience in community AND we meet up monthly. Although the classes are replay's they are ALL. THE. WAY. LIVE. 

Q: How does the 7 day challenge work?

You will be given posting prompts and coaching is only done by me or one of the trained Rebirth facilitators.

Q: Will I get direct feedback from RevCoach LaTonia?

You have the VIP Experience everytime you work your process, because it works when you work it.  You will have also have access to exclusive offers for Frequency Attunments and othe workshops only offered in community.

Q: What if I desire a more VIP service and where can I purchase one?

You may have it in Platinum Private Packages, Rites of Passage  or Exclusive Masterminds.  If your goals is Rites of Passage you MUST start here.

Q: If I am not married or don't have a business yet, or I am new to the feminine arts and the science of Prosperity and Abundance Attraction is this challenge for me?

Because Rev. LaTonia is a trained metaphysician she teaches based on principles, therefore this challenge helps women from all walks of life SHIFT. We have supported women SHIFTING the mother/father wound,  Millionaires calling all of the shots at home and in the marketplace who are artists to thought leaders, wellness professions including nurses, to divorcees and any woman rebuilding her relationship with The Divine Presence of God within. While this is not business focus ONLY, you are welcome to join. However, be aware that The RevCoach is teaching Universal principles. If you plan on starting a business it could bring insight to Feminine Leadership in a tangible way for you family. 

Q: VERY IMPORTANT: Are refunds an option? 

Rebirth with LaTonia programs, in care of Rebirth International Ministries and/or Rebirth International, Inc have a Non-Refundable Policy after purchases are made or participation in the desires services. When you click the purchase button you agree to this and the Coach/Client Confidentiality Agreement.